April 26, 2012

Vula Est Kino

Why there's so much nostalgia for their own childhood? Because it represents the eternal carefree, happy days, or rather, the illusion of the happy days: the future seems so mysterious that the past remains the only certainty on which to rely and all the monsters are transformed into childhood playmates.

April 23, 2012


No need to say something more about this.  
Let's pass over the name, which means everything and nothing for anyone and no one: this picture represents the most common feeling of having butterflies in the stomach. Even an adult can feel it, not just a boy or a girl.

April 18, 2012

Certe parole, certe facce!

Sono giorni questi in cui non riusciamo a darci un volto; siamo una smorfia, un sorriso, un broncio e parole che volano alte... Ci sentiamo inopportuni e indesiderati da noi stessi per primi, ma arriverà un giorno in cui ci sentiremo a nostro agio nella propria pelle.

April 16, 2012